Avanale Water Solutions & Avanale Renewable Energy
Avanale Water Solutions & Avanale Renewable Energy
South East Queensland Based Wholesale Suppliers & Specialists in Water Treatment
We Design, Manufacture & Supply - Desalination (reverse osmosis), UF, Filtration & Solar
South East Queensland Based Wholesale Suppliers & Specialists in Water Treatment
We Design, Manufacture & Supply - Desalination (reverse osmosis), UF, Filtration & Solar
Water Quality Standards in Australia and Other Countries
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia developed the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG) as a reliable reference for the Australian community and water supply industry. These guidelines establish the criteria for safe and high-quality water. They are based on extensive scientific evidence and provide a comprehensive framework for managing drinking water supplies, ensuring safety at the point of use. The ADWG addresses both health and aesthetic aspects of delivering good quality drinking water.
In Australia, all equipment used to supply drinking water must adhere to the Australian standard AS4020. This standard sets the requirements for water quality and ensures that the equipment meets the necessary criteria.
On an international level, various countries have their own standards for water quality. Germany follows the DVGWW270 standard, while the United States has the NFS/ANSI61 standard. These standards are considered comparable to the Australian AS4020 standard, with each country incorporating local customizations into their respective guidelines.
The Australian AS4020 standard is known for its stringent requirements, which include assessing factors such as the mutagenicity of water extract, aesthetics, turbidity, taste, odour, and several other test criteria. In contrast, the US standard does not consider all of these elements. The German standard involves monitoring microbial growth of an operating unit, while the Australian standard conducts the same test under static (no flow) conditions.
AVRO-dis® is designed to comply with the AS4020 Standard